What is the trait of citizenry?

The nature of citizenry
What is the nature of people?    
Mainstream U.S.A. culture is hopeful to that extent as it is taken for granted that any achievement is realizable if worked for, and that mankind is at last perfectible - as the millions

of individual-aid books and video recordings commercialized every year attest (Schein, 1981). Nevertheless this theory of potentiality does not entail that the American is as optimistic about his/her inverse prospects in day-after-day convergences. The fact that the negotiating unit regularly includes legal staff implies concern that the other party will reverse on an understanding if given ambiguity.

Many Europeans expend a more pessimistic approach towards human nature. They demonstrate a greater mistrust of experts, and take for granted that human motives are more composite than do Americans. This is demonstrated in a liking for more complicated cognitive models of behavior and therefore more complex structures than are found in American systems (Cooper and Cox, 1989).

Relationship to traits
What is the being's relationship to traits?
Up until recently, United States culture has generally perceived the human as detached from nature, and eligible to exploit it. Such activities as mining, impeding rivers for hydro-electrical power, examining and planning to control weather patterns, genetic engineering, each display a need for authority. Yet of late, the populace has turned more cognizant of needs to maintain the environs, and this is reflected in corporate marketing policies and the development of 'reusable' and 'biodegradable' productss.

More generally, conceptualizations of control are reflected in a preparedness to manage the psychology of human beings, and human relationships. An example is provided by plan of action intended to reorient an organizational culture.

In comparison, Arab culture leans to be highly fatalistic towards moves to change or better the world. Humanity can do trivial itself to achieve successfulness or avert misfortune.